Journeys to depth are rarely easy. They’re certainly not comfortable. They can be rewarding, transformative. They can even be game-changers.
That’s what we’re building with our global community of Emotional Justice.
We call it THE EMOTIONAL JUSTICE WELLSPRING. This journey to depth would be called ‘scaling’ in the corporate world. Define ‘To scale’? It means to climb up a steep surface often using special equipment.
Apply it to Emotional Justice, and it means navigating our resistance as we each do our emotional work.And our special equipment is a resource called the Emotional Justice roadmap and framework.
So then, a journey to depth is our scaling focus. That journey in Emotional Justice means each of us – Black, Brown, Indigenous, White – doing our emotional work. Coming together is not empty intention. It only happens impactfully and effectively when each of us is doing our emotional work.
So, as we scale, as we journey into depth, as we offer you THE EMOTIONAL JUSTICE WELLSPRING. We need each other. Join us.